Sunday, September 7, 2008

Just in Case

I wandered the Las Vegas strip about a month ago, drunk and armed with my back-up camera, Veronica. The reason I had Veronica is because I go through these phases where I force myself to have a camera with me at all times. You know, just in case. The phases end when my shoulder, neck or back start aching from carrying around a heavy bag that would make even Mary Poppins envious. The reason I was drunk was because of my friend, who celebrated her birthday with bowling and drink.
I love the Bellagio. It's such a beautiful place. When I moved to Vegas the first time, I was a 21 year old girl intent on partying and enjoying my newfound independence. It wasn't until I dived into this whole photography thing that I started appreciated the little things. Maybe it was during broadcasting school, maybe it was before and I just never noticed. Not only do I notice details like decor and design but I am touched by them. I am feeling myself getting a little hallmark-card cheesy so I shall stop. I ended up at the Bellagio because of the model with working fountain.
There's one photo of fountains outside The Mirage. Not only was I drunk but I totally slow-shutter speeded those without a tripod! I did it with the aid of a rail and camera's timer. Ok, but that's all the trade secrets I will share!

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