Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I've been fairly busy the past few weeks even though if you have seen me on myspace it may not appear so. (I stay "connected" while I'm working.) I finished staining the concrete in the garage/future studio space and my next step was to put plywood or drywall up. I hit a snag because, well I have to do the work myself and some of you may know I tend to be lazy! Seriously, it probably takes three times as long to do something yourself (as far as construction) that if you had just one extra set of hands. Long story short, we're getting a quote from a friend of ours that does remodelling work. I'm really excited to see the finished product, which every time you ask me I say "two weeks." It will more likely be next month. Maybe. I've also gotten a part-time job to help offset the cost of putting up a new studio. There's a new lens in my future too! A new tripod too, what with Christmas around the corner and everything.
Here are some pics from my recent sessions.

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