Saturday, July 19, 2008

No Photo Post

Since this is my photography specific blog, I've never posted without photographs to accompany the blog. I'm breaking that cycle right now since my laptop has recently been suffering the effects of a virus. With work, rearranging my living space, discovering racquetball and photo shoots, I've managed to have little or no time to troubleshoot the virus situation. I've actually shot everyday for about a week and can't proof them or post to share. I'm excited to see what a recent night shoot of the moon rising over the Las Vegas strip turns out. I've also captured some interesting sunsets. I'm still learning a lot about photography but also feel that I've come a long way. So this blog is for me to say well, I'm proud of me. The one of you that actually reads this might agree!

1 comment:

ChezChani said...

You should be very proud. Signed, the one of me that reads this.
You can post a new blog now and I will read it.